Dispatches from the Field

The Time for Personalization is NOW!
For over a hundred years, going back to Henry Ford when he famously said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”, we have been “trained” to accept a mass-market economy. However, the rebellion has begun! And businesses that ignore

Enhancing the Customer Experience Through Personalization – WordCamp Presentation
Our Founder, Kerry Wolfe, earlier this year was invited to speak at WordCamp Atlanta 2019 about the power of website personalization. For those of you who are unfamiliar, WordCamp is an event for web professionals, including WordPress web designers and developers, marketers and freelancers at all levels of expertise that

Navigating Website Terminology
Sometimes it can seem like Web Developers and Designers are speaking a foreign language when they are talking to you about your website. We can lose sight of the fact that this may be totally new to you. In other words, you may not be fluent in Geek-Speak. 🙂 So

What’s the Secret to Creativity?
I’ll let you in on a little secret… There really is no secret. Scientists have known for years. You may ask, “How exactly does creativity happen?” That’s the wrong question. The right question is “Where does creativity happen?” And the answer is… Creativity happens at the boundaries between order and

My Web Designer Disappeared! What Do I Do Now?
Do you have a website that needs to be updated and your web designer is nowhere to be found? Have you hired a web designer to only have them disappear in the middle of your web project? Is your web site broken and find you have no one to turn

Duluth Fall Festival Launches New Website
We built the first Duluth Fall Festival Website way back in 2001. Over the years, we added more content and functionality until the needs of the Festival and its visitors outgrew what a standard HTML website could economically provide. So in 2014, we build the next iteration of the website