Kerry Wolfe

How to Clear Your Browser Cache to See Changes to Your Website

How to Clear Your Browser Cache to See Changes to Your Website

Sometimes, after an update has been made to your website and you revisit a page that has changed, it doesn’t appear the change has really been made. You may worry your site is broken or something is wrong. But this is usually caused by your web browser (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.) caching […]

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5 Things That Impact Your Website's SEO Rankings You May Not Know About

5 Things That Impact Your Website’s SEO Rankings You May Not Know About

There are many things that can affect your website’s ranking on Google search. In this article, we’ll go over some of the factors you may not be aware of. The problem is many customers just focus on keywords, search-friendly page titles and descriptions, then leave it at that. They may even spend an inordinate amount

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People Don’t Buy Products. They Buy Solutions to Their Problems

People Don’t Buy Products. They Buy Solutions to Their Problems

It bears repeating… people do NOT buy products. Of course, people do buy products or services. But that’s not really what motivates them to part with their money. So, promoting a product or a service saying how great the product’s features are, how advanced your technology is, or how great your company is…. will NOT

People Don’t Buy Products. They Buy Solutions to Their Problems Read More »

A Simple Plan for Consistently Delivering Quality Content

A Simple Plan for Consistently Delivering Quality Content

If you want to attract the right type of customer–your Ideal Customer–into your business and position yourself as the go-to company to solve their problems, then you need to be producing lots of high-value, quality content on a consistent basis that shows the world you are the company that solves a particular problem. But producing

A Simple Plan for Consistently Delivering Quality Content Read More »

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